Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dreaming with God

"I do not forget your 
dreams and desires. 
I placed them there," says the Lord.

Birth of a Dream...
It was in my teen years, after several trips to Mexico ministering to orphans and the poor, that I told the Lord there was nothing else I'd love to do more with my life. From there a journey began and the Lord charted my course... from my home in California to Kenya... Minnesota... Russia... Nepal... China... and Minnesota again.

For the past several years the journey has been focused on cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and sharing this with others. From this place of prayer, God has been imparting His heart to me. Over the past several months specifically, He has rekindled old dreams within me and is awakening new ones. Even as I began writing this, the song lyrics at the top of this post were overheard and I was reminded of His faithfulness to keep me ever aware of His leadership. He has masterfully woven together countless things to get His message across to me in this season. At the core of that message is this: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in... Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." - Jesus in Matthew 25:35,40
Stepping Out...Much of the path ahead remains hidden to me, but God has made some important first steps clear. While I continue giving leadership to developing the prayer ministry at Bethany, God is also opening doors for me to gain much more experience in serving the poor and ministering His love to children in need -- right here in Minneapolis. Ask me if you want to hear more...
Are there any dormant dreams God wants to re-awaken within YOU?


  1. How, dear Lord, can I be such a contradiction -- generous, yea, sacrificial with material possessions and wealth YET judgmental, ungenerous of heart? Intellectually wise about You and your heart YET withholding my Spirit from you and your faithful people? Unafraid of death --- but only death on my terms? Fill me with a consistent faith -- the kind I meet in my wife and children. Amen.

  2. Wow, this is the first blog post of yours I have ever read, I came across your name from a comment you left on my sisters blog at and I was literally thinking in my head "God are you sure you want me to do that?" and I could feel my heart alive and pounding in my chest as I was reading your post. It just never ceases to amaze me when God uses other people (or other's blogs for that matter) to speak out to us! Thank you for posting this blog, it really is incredible what God can do through us to shine His light on others! Praise God and His perfections!

    1. Bless you, Aurora... and Amie and John too! You surely are on a journey of faith. May you experience the strengthening and leadership of the Good Shepherd on each and every step ahead!
