Saturday, November 21, 2009

Voluntary Weakness :: What?!?!

Nita, pictured here with with me and my dear friends Kerry & Angie

"Prayer is the ONLY means to access grace... divine favor and power..."

- John Harrigan (teacher at IHOP-KC)

I've been blessed this past month to sit under the teaching of two of the most humble and anointed Bible teachers I have ever been privileged to know: Nita Steiner and John Harrigan. They've been teaching me about prayer and how to live my life today for the age to come.

Here's a little nugget that has been "messing with my mind" and beginning to change the way I order my life:
"The hearers of the Sermon on the Mount were people who understood all about a coming Messiah who would destroy wickedness and rule on David’s throne in Jerusalem, restoring the earthly paradise that was in the beginning. They saw in Jesus the signs of the Messiah and were following Him around because they wanted to be in that Messianic kingdom; knowing this, Jesus preaches this sermon, showing them the nature of His kingdom and of those who would be part of it; then He tells them what the lifestyle must be in order to persevere in this age and prepare for the age to come – it’s a lifestyle of watchful prayer and voluntary weakness in the areas of food, time, energy, money, and words. Through the activities of praying, giving, serving, blessing our enemies and fasting food (Matt. 6:1-18), we voluntarily embrace weakness and declare to God that we derive our life and strength from Him alone. Unless these are practiced with a heart motivated by love, they are vain and empty."

How contrary to everything we've grown to know and embrace in this life! We love strength, wealth, pleasure, receiving, free-time... and yet, if we are really honest with ourselves, none of that truly satisfies us in a lasting way, right? I know I was made to be satisfied in God now and for all eternity... God, I pray that You would give me grace to embrace voluntary weakness.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Matthew 5:6

Thursday, November 5, 2009

He's Always Been Faithful

Questioning God's faithfulness? I'm sure you can relate...
Recently I've been praying for my own heart; for grace to be given to me to wait on the Lord, for His voice in His time, for the unfolding of His plan in His way. As I've asked God for this grace to wait and trust, I've been asking myself questions: "Do I genuinely expect and believe that God will answer me by giving the grace I am asking for? Do I have faith to believe that He hears and will move? Do I REALLY believe?"

And so I dove into the Word, devouring Hebrews 11 ("The Great Chapter of Faith"); reflecting on the testimonies of the faith of those who have gone before us... and the words jumped off the page: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)

And then God answered my request! I'm pretty sure something actually shifted within me as I read that verse and listened over and over again to this Sara Groves song "He's Always Been Faithful" (Listen by clicking this link)

I can't remember a trial or a pain He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can't remember one single regret in serving God only and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me

This is my anthem, this is my song
The theme of the stories I've heard for so long
God has been faithful, He will be again
His loving compassion, it knows no end
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He's always been faithful to me

Yes and amen! Lord, cause my belief in Your faithfulness to increase!