Sunday, September 27, 2009

Strangers & Pilgrims on the Earth for the age to come..
How do I live TODAY for THAT day when Jesus will return? Do the moments and decisions of my days declare that I love Him and desire to stand before Him without shame when He comes? Do I live as a "stranger and pilgrim" in the earth? Do I love this life, this world, more than I long for and live for the one that is to come?

God's been rearranging much in my heart this year. I've been stunned to see how much the Bible speaks of living blameless and holy today, on this earth, in light of our permanent residence being in Jesus' coming kingdom (Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 1:6-8; Ephesians 5:27; Philippians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 5:23; 1 Timothy 6:11-14; Hebrews 12: 28,29; 1 Peter 1:13-16; 2 Peter 3:13-14; Revelation 3:4-5). I'm beginning to believe it really is true that the best this world has to offer, with every last one of it's pleasures, cannot compare to the glory we can know in the age to come.

Hebrews 11:13,16 These [fathers of the faith] all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth... But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

1 Chronicles 29:15 - For we are aliens [sojourners, temporary residents] and pilgrims [transients] before You, as were all our fathers; our days on earth are as a shadow...

This has been the overarching theme that has helped to guide my days since 2009 began and I wouldn't trade the fruit that has come within my heart for anything this world has to offer! To hear more, listen to my recent teaching entitled: "Strangers & Pilgrims for the age to come.."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coming Up Leaning

Leaning on some dear friends, Kerry, Nita, Angie, & Elizabeth - photo by Susan Shetler

Today's daily reading from Streams in the Desert is particularly significant to me in this season when I feel the need to be in a constant posture of leaning upon God even more consciously than ever.

Here's a brief excerpt from it:

Who is that coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?
- Song of Solomon 8:5

"Child of My love, lean hard,
And let Me feel the presence of your care;
I know your burden, child. I shaped it;
Balanced it in Mine Own hand; made no proportion
In its weight to your own strength,
For even as I laid it on, I said,
'I will be near, and while she leans on Me,
This burden will be Mine, not hers;
So will I keep My child within the circling arms
Of My Own love.' Here lay it down, nor fear
To impose it on a shoulder that upholds
The government of worlds. Yet closer come:
You are not near enough. I would embrace your care;
So I might feel My child reclining on My breast.
You love Me, I know. So then do not doubt;
But loving Me, lean hard."
--L.B. Cowman